Getting a diagnosis for your child
Getting your child assessed for ADHD is unfortunately a much longer process than it used to be because the CAMHS system is overwhelmed. Here are some pointers for parents in Greater Glasgow and Clyde (other Health Boards may vary).
NHS Assessment
NHS Diagnosis in Glasgow has for many years been carried out by Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS) teams, under the oversight of a consultant child psychiatrist. Much of the work is undertaken by Nurse Specialists in ADHD. Some of these are trained to prescribe ADHD medicines and oversee kids starting on medication and getting up to the best dose (a process called “titration”).
In recent years, CAMHS waiting times have become very long - well over 2 years in most areas. There are two reasons for this. First, demand for CAMHS has increased significantly over the past decade, and particularly since the pandemic. Secondly, CAMHS treated far fewer children than usual during the pandemic, leading to a backlog.
There is usually a second waiting period of some months once children are diagnosed before they can be started on a trial of ADHD medication (if that’s what’s decided).
NHS services for ADHD in Glasgow are currently changing in line with the new Scottish Government National Neurodevelopmental Specification with the establishment of a new neurodevelopmental service, separate from CAMHS. It is hoped that this will ultimately reduce waiting times. It is also planned that children will be assessed for all neurodevelopmental conditions, not just ADHD, when they come to the service - providing a more rounded picture of what’s happening and better treatment. The neurodevelopmental service is getting started and looking to recruit staff - and the transition will be gradual.
Private diagnosis
Many families in Glasgow have, in frustration at long waits, turned to private practitioners for an ADHD diagnosis for their children. The cost of doing this can run into many hundreds of pounds.
Once children are diagnosed privately with ADHD and if they need medication, this can cost anywhere between c. £30 and £120 per month, depending on the brand and dose. Regular reviews (at least annually) will also be needed.
Many families understandably seek to move care back to the NHS after diagnosis. The NHS in Glasgow has recently published guidance on moving back into CAMHS or the NHS Neurodevelopmental Service after private diagnosis. This makes clear that your child should not need to be assessed again when coming into CAMHS, provided the private clinic follows best practice guidelines on ADHD diagnosis. However, going private will not enable you to jump the queue to get medication on the NHS - there will still be a wait.
Another route which many families have taken is to ask their NHS GP to prescribe medication for their child on the NHS, still under the oversight of the private clinic. This is known as “shared care'“. Some GP surgeries will agree to this while other won’t - so it’s worth checking with your own practice before you go the private route.
Some of the private clinics our group members use are as follows (we do not endorse or recommend any clinic):
Diverse Diagnostics - https://diversediagnostics.co.uk/
Purple House - https://www.purplehouseclinic.co.uk/psychologists-glasgow/
ADHD Direct - https://www.adhddirect.co.uk/